Tuesday, November 1, 2016

101 black history: Tulsa race riot:

All we got to do as black people is get together and unite right. Well its not like that didnt happen before matter fact we had our own wall street and our money and we doing wel we got bomb by the US gov'tso was that a message that you can do anything in america as long as your black and wealthy? 

The average answer you want to give is no but the Tulsa race riot tells you different story of U.S. history. It's the first recorded time that the U.S. bomb its own country and people which leaves me to belive what is it they wont do. also why was it called a race riot cause in the end a selected group of people bomb them and by today standard that would be a hate crime.

It's also interesting this is not being thought to our youth some thing like "America the true story" it leads me to belive this is truly a great country if your not black. what do you think? Would like to hear your opnion?

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